Nikah mut‘ah

Nikāḥ al-Mutʿah (Arabic: نكاح المتعة‎ "Contractual marriage"), is a fixed-term marriage in Shi'a Islam. The duration of this type of marriage is fixed at its inception and is then automatically dissolved upon completion of its term. The marriage is contractual. Mutah has the same rulings as that of conventional marriage and 'Mahr' (which is the financial support to the female) also fixed at the inception.

All the rights are given to the contractual wife while she is within the contractual period. The contractual offspring has the same rights as the conventional marriage offspring. There are some basic rules and requirements which must be fulfilled for a justified Nikah al-Mutah i.e a virgin girl cannot go for Mutah until she gets permission from the father or grand father.



Shi'a and Sunnis agree that Mut'ah was legal in the beginning, but Sunnis believe it was abrogated. Ibn Kathir writes:

"There's no doubt that in the outset of Islam, Mut'ah was allowed under the Shari'ah". [1]

Temporary marriage was a custom of the pre-Islamic Arabs. It was used as a convenience shield, useful in the case where a man had to travel away from home for long periods of time, or was not able to commit fully to marriage.

Sunni view

The hadith, or prophetic statements and traditions, can be analyzed to fortify this position.

In the hadith collection of Tirmithy, Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrates:

"Temporary marriage was at the beginning of Islam. A man comes by a town where he has no acquaintances, so he marries for a fixed time depending on his stay in the town, the woman looks after his provisions and prepares his food, until the verse was revealed: 'Except to your wives or what your right hands possess.'"

A majority of Sunnis believe that Muhammad later abolished this type of marriage at several different large events, the most accepted being at Khaybar in 7 AH (629 CE) Bukhari 059.527 and at the Victory of Mecca in 8 AH (630 CE). Most Sunnis believe that Umar later was merely enforcing a prohibition that was established during Muhammad's time.[2]

Shia view

Shi'a believe that Umar ibn al-Khattab abolished it, not the prophet of Islam.[3]

Quranic origin

Shia Muslims believe that this institution was established by God through the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the Qur'an. Its single mention in the Qur'an is verse 4:24. Tafsir:

فَمَا اسْتَمْتَعْتُمْ بِهِ مِنْهُنَّ فَـَاتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةً

"Then give those of these women you have enjoyed the agreed dower" was revealed on the subject of the mut‘ah marriage."

Shia Muslims have "consensus" (ijma) on interpretation of the following verse in the Quran.

And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done). Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise.[Quran 4:24]

al-Tabari, in his Tafsir, writes under this verse a hadith from Mujahid: "The phrase "Then give those of these women you have enjoyed the agreed dower" means the temporary marriage."

But Sunni commentators disagree in their Tafsirs, arguing the phrase "Then give those of these women you have enjoyed the agreed dower" refers to permanent marriage.


Mut'ah is one of the distinctive features of Ja'fari jurisprudence. No other school of Islamic jurisprudence allows it. According to Imam Jafar as Sadiq, "One of the matters about which I shall never keep precautionary silence (taqiyya) is the matter of mu’tah."[4]

Allameh Tabatabaei explains in Tafsir al-Mizan, there are mutawatir or nearly mutawatir traditions narrated from the Shia Imams that Mut'ah is permitted. For example, it has been narrated from Muhammad al-Baqir and Ja'far al-Sadiq that they said "regarding the [above] verse, and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed." It means that he increases her dowry or she increases his (fixed) period.[5]

According to Shia scholar Ali Khamenei

“Temporary marriage like permanent marriage, requires a marriage contract. Moreover there is no difference between permanent marriage and temporary marriage except in some aspects of the law, such as there is no divorce in temporary marriage - it terminates with the expiration of the time period. Likewise, neither spouse in a temporary marriage inherits from the other. The temporary marriage contract is as follows: The female says: " I marry myself to you for the specified dowry (mention the amount) and for the specified time period (mention the time period)". Then the man says: "I accept".”[6]


The Nikah al-Mut‘ah is used various ways:


Nikah al-Mut‘ah resembles an ordinary conventional marriage in many, but not all, aspects. It commences in the same way as a Nikah except that a date of expiration for the marriage is added to the marriage contract and the wife has her rights restricted to some extent. The duration is decided by the couple involved. There are no restrictions about minimum and maximum duration. If the period is longer than what can be reasonably expected to be a lifetime, it will transform into a nikah.

During the period of the marriage, the couple are considered husband and wife, just as in a permanent marriage. At the expiration, the marriage is voided without undergoing a talaq (divorce). In case of sexual intercourse, the woman must observe the iddah (waiting period) before she can marry anyone else.

Differences from permanent marriage

Nikah Mut'a is a marriage with a pre-set time. It is important to note that different Marja (authorities) may give different fatwa (legal rulings) on some issues. Many of the following rules may be changed in the Islamic marriage contract.



This topic is highly controversial in the Muslim world. Muslims believe that in the first period of Islam, Mut'ah was permissible,[4] but Sunni Muslims believe that it was later abolished. The duration of this type of marriage is fixed at its inception and is then automatically dissolved upon completion of its term. For this reason, nikah mut‘ah has been widely criticised as the religious cover and legalization of prostitution.[10][11][12][13][14]


All the early scholars have no disputes that Mut'ah is Nikah for a set period of time, this Nikah has no inheritance and man and woman separate when the time expires.

There are hadiths in Sahih Bukhari permitting mut'ah, but then abrogating it.[16]

There are several narrations regrding Sabrah ibn Ma'bad reporting on the prohibition of Mut'ah.[17][18]


Chapter 4 ayah 24 of the Quran is a controversial verse that has been called "the verse of Mut'ah" [19], due to its reference to Nikah Mut‘ah. Shias cite this verse as demonstrating the permissibility of mutah.[20]

References and sources

  1. ^ Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Azim, Volume 1 p. 74 [1]
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ a b Motahhari, Morteza. "The rights of woman in Islam, Fixed-Term marriage and the problem of the harem". Retrieved 2011-01-10. 
  5. ^ Tabatabaei, Sayyid Mohammad Hosayn. "Tafsir al-Mizan, Vol 4, Surah an-Nisa, Verses 23-28". Retrieved 2011-01-10. 
  6. ^ Fatwas from Leader's Office in Qom
  7. ^ Fard, Camelia E.. "She found prostitution among Iran's holy men; They found a way to put her in jail". The Village Voice. Retrieved 7 March 2011. 
  8. ^ Muwatta 28.6.16
  9. ^ (پايگاه اطلاع رسانى حضرت آية الله العظمى جناتى (مد ظله العالى
  10. ^ Iran talks up temporary marriages, by Frances Harrison, BBC News, Last Updated: 2 June 2007.
  11. ^ Temporary 'Enjoyment Marriages' In Vogue Again With Some Iraqis, by Nancy Trejos, The Washington Post, 20 January 2007.
  12. ^ Law of desire: temporary marriage in Shi'i Iran, by Shahla Haeri, pg.6.
  13. ^ Islam For Dummies, by Malcolm Clark.
  14. ^ Islam: a very short introduction, by Malise Ruthven.
  15. ^ Tafsir al-Qurtubi Volume 5 p. 32, Surah an-Nisa
  16. ^ Sahih al-Bukhari, 7:62:52
  17. ^ Zad al-Ma'ad vo1.2 pg. 184 or Volume 2 p. 05 or p.205
  18. ^
  19. ^ :: Mut'ah, a comprehensive guide
  20. ^

External Shia links

Fatāwa from different marja:

External Sunni links